Carla Freire

Dados Institucionais


Escola de Economia e Gestão – Universidade do Minho

Morada profissional:

Escola de Economia e Gestão – Universidade do Minho, Campus de Gualtar, 4710-057 Braga

Correio eletrónico:

Curriculum Vitae

Carla Freire is Assistant Professor at the Department of Management, Economics and Management School at the University of Minho. With an undergraduate degree in Sociology at the University of Coimbra (classification: 16), she holds a Master Degree in Human Resources Management and a PhD in Management at the University of Minho.

From 1997, she has taught various general Management and Human Resource Management courses in undergraduate and graduate programs; recently, she has been teaching subjects such as Ethics and Social Responsibility (Bachelor degree and Master degree) and Research Methodology (Master degree). She has also supervised numerous MA thesis (22) and PhD thesis (2) in Management and Human Resource Management.

She has published articles (10) in several journals such as Personnel Review, Educational Management Administration & Leadership (EMAL), Journal of Development Management, Journal of Academic Ethics and International Journal of Applied Management Sciences and Engineering (IJAMSE) and several book chapters (5).

Since February 2015 she is Director of the Management Bachelor; since May 2016 Member (elected) of the EEG Pedagogical Council; and since May 2019 Member (elected) of the EEG School Council. From October 2012 to August 2018 she was Coordinator of the Transferable Competences Programme (EEGs).