Jul 15, 2022 | Ensino Superior Baseado Competências
Resumo The modern university modelled on the Berlin university implemented by Humboldt, where research played an important role, was inseparable from the ideas of education, reflection, creation and critique (the university educates, it does not merely train or...
Nov 19, 2020 | Ensino Superior Baseado Competências
Orlanda Tavares, Cristina Sin e Diana Soares: “This chapter analyses whether the profile of students enrolled in industrial doctorates in Portugal reflects the dual culture of industry and academia. Based on student perceptions, the following aspects are analysed:...
Jun 19, 2020 | Ensino Superior Baseado Competências
‘This book analyses the structural and institutional transformations undergone by doctoral education’. These transformations are examined at the macro, meso and micro levels. At the micro level, the book addresses ‘the doctoral candidates’ experiences of the doctoral...
Fev 28, 2020 | Ensino Superior Baseado Competências
“University-industry collaboration emerges as extremely appealing for doctoral candidates, especially because of the acquired skills and employability potential beyond academia, due to their practical or more applied nature. There is a general agreement that...
Fev 18, 2020 | Ensino Superior Baseado Competências
“The findings suggest that industrial doctoral students recognise a divergence between university and industry, mainly regarding research outputs, and particularly industry’s need to keep data confidential and the university’s need to disseminate knowledge via the...